Sunday, March 21, 2010

Naps are for suckers

I cannot keep my eyes open. Nope. Not at all. The only thing keeping me awake? The freaking pigeons cooing outside my vent!

Friday, after spending all day at NYU, I gathered some people at Grace's apartment to head out to Club18. I had found free passes, so why not? Anywho, that was a bust. They didn't let us in the club. Sigh sigh.

So the group split up, and Taylor, Cáit, Grace, Grace's friend and I continued on to Le Queen, which said the cover would be €8. However, after taking the last train for the evening to get to Queen, we discovered that in fact the cover is €20. Bust. So I left the group and walked home. I was probably in bed by 3:30.

And then I got up at 9:00! Turns out someone screwed up Grace's computer while we were at her apartment. Feeling 100% guity, I left my apt, headed for Darty, and bought her a new keyboard. Aparently it works; I just hope there is no other damage. Cáit, who had spent the night at Grace's, and I indulged in some delicious McDonald's for lunch. Yum!

Last night, saturday night, I met Patrick at 9:00 at St. Paul to get a drink and food. It was raining. Really hard. We finally ended up at L'Apparement Café, where (drumroll!) I found spiced rum! Woo! Unfortunately, after taking the first sip of my Rum & Coke, which they called a Cube Libre, I discovered that they had used diet coke. Oh well! It was nice to have a Rum & Coke, even if it was ... diet. Bleh. Patrick and I had some one-on-one bonding time. Then Taylor, Michel and Olga joined us. A cheese plate and carafe of wine later, we were all having a good time. We met a group of peoplle who ... I really don't even know how to describe them. Go to this website: (

I ended up at home around 3:00 again, I think. I Skyped Luke, since by that point, it was his birthday in France. Woke up around 10:00. I got out of bed around 12:30, showered, went to the store around the corner, came back, made some pasta, and got back in bed. Woops! Then, I fell asleep!

I hate naps, though. I always feel sick afterwards. There is this strange acidy, empty feeling at the top of my stomach. Very strange. Anywho, I'm off to work on homework! Have a lovely day, everyone!

Happy Birthday, Luke! Three for three! Where will I be next year?!


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