Monday, February 22, 2010

Nice Weekend

Bonsoir à tous!

I had a very nice weekend. I know, it's monday; but I didn't have class today, so thus, it gets tacked on to my weekend!

Friday: For my Contemporary France class, we met our professor at the Museum of Immigration on Friday morning. Fun fact: the museum is on the COMPLETE other side of Paris from me. I was a little bitter about the whole "getting up on friday to go to a museum for class" thing, but I sucked it up. This sucking up was in vain. Instead of taking on us on a tour of the museum, our professor who scheduled the trip told us all to get audio guides and walk around the museum alone. Quality teaching style!

After putting in my time there, Taylor and I headed off to Resto-U, a sort of cafeteria system all over Paris for University students. It was fun to see all the French students. My next task is to actually talk to them!

Then I met Caìt, Lindsay, and Lindsay's friends Joe at the Grand Palais to go to the instillation there, called Monumenta, for my Contemporary Art Scene class. In all honesty, I felt nothing and did not see a point. I really wish someone could have enlightened me, because everyone else really seemed to be affected by it!

On slightly cooler note, since Lindsay and Joe were on a time crunch, I took them on a walking "hot-spots-only" tour of the Louvre. Good times! Sort of a preview of Saturday.

Friday night was Lauren's 21st birthday. So I got some macaroons, some cheese and bread, and some chocolate cookies for the festivities. I had a good time talking with everyone and what not, but I peaced out around 1:00 AM to go home to bed. Apparently, that's when things happened. One of the stupid, over-testosteroned, straight, bro-y guys there flipped off Lauren, the birthday girl, who then made the idiot leave her apartment. Apparently, feeling angry and super macho, he punched in some windows in the entrance door. What is wrong with people.

Saturday: The next morning, I found the gardien of the building cleaning up the mess when I went to meet Lindsay, Joe, and some of her visiting girl friends at Lindsay's apartment. At that point, I had no idea what had happened, and so I asked the gardien. To me, it clearly looked like some had tried to break into the building: the windows by the locks were broken and the was blood on the wall. But, as the gardien explained, it was some jumped up guy from the party on the 4th floor who had done it.

After Lindsay and Lauren attempted to get in contact with the landlord, we left for Versailles. Nothing takes your mind off of stupid pigheaded people like Versailles. We had a lovely day, as always, at Versailles. After exhausting ourselves, we headed home. I spent the next 36 hours doing a mixture of the following three things: sleeping, eating, messing around on my computer.

Monday: I got up today with the intention of getting my hair cut. I succeeded. I told her I wanted something different. To sum up, I ended up with a cheap blow dryer and gel. WOOPS!


  1. You bought a blow dryer or you had your hair blow dried?

    I hope its the blow dryeR because I'm going to need one when we visit :)

  2. OOO! post a pic of the new hair-do! I am very excited to see it.

    PS: You should respond to my emails.

  3. 1) Yes, I bought a blowdryer (un sèche-cheveux)

    2) Im still perfecting it, so no pic yet!
