Monday, January 25, 2010

Great Start

After my adventures on saturday and saturday night, I found my way home, exhausted, and threw myself in bed. Unfortunately, life caught up with me. When I the cooing of the pigeons woke me up at 10:30 AM, I swallowed and realized that my throat had decided to die through the night. My head was pounding and just full of fluid. I did not leave my bed until 3:30 in the afternoon, at which point I decided that it was probably necessary to go to the bathroom. Lindsay came over and brought me Advil. The combo of pain killers and good company really helped me feel better.

This morning I woke up to the same feeling. I took some Advil and a really hot shower, and felt much better. Only once or twice during the day did I feel sick, i.e. I coughed and didn't eat any lunch because of a lack of appetite. I finalized my schedule/classes with Patrick (woohoo!) and then sat through one of the most boring lectures ever! "Blah blah blah Turkey blah EU blah blah Islamic birth rates."

Now I am home, and feeling oh so sick once again. I am not hungry, but I know I should eat something. Plus the idea of getting up, going to kitchen and preparing something seems so daunting right now.

Speaking from nearly two days of experience, I think it is easier to be sick in New York than in Paris. You can get anything you need whenever you want it in New York. So you want chicken noodle soup at 2 AM, because that is when your body decided to be hungry. No problem: there is the soup place on the corner, a grocery store one block west and a Duane Reade just up the street, all of which stay open. Here, at least in my neighborhood, the pharmacies close at 5 PM, the grocery stores at 6:00 or 6:30, and good luck finding feel good take out. The only place that I have found that offers take out in my neighborhood is McDonald's, which is 100% unappealing. Don't get me wrong, I am a good American, and I love McDonald's. However, I am not a fan of Parisian McDonald's. Yuck.

Oh well, those are my mucus-y ramblings. I should probably decide on something to eat.


1 comment:

  1. Feel better! From my experience if you go to the pharmacy and ask the pharmacist for something to relieve your symptoms they are very helpful. I've actually done this in Dublin, Barcelona and Rome! Good luck!
